Elena Bird Zolnick
Donate for Elena's OperaWorks tuition!
Dear Friends,
I have enjoyed seeing so many of your faces in the audience when I have performed over the past few years. Your support of my singing is so important to me and has given me confidence. 2015 has already been a busy year for me! I have sung the title role in the world premier of an opera, Germaine, given three recitals, and performed the solos in several sacred works, including Pergolesi's Stabat Mater, and Vivaldi's Gloria. Later this year, I will perform again with Light Opera of New Jersey, singing the role of Fairy Godmother in The True Story of Cinderalla.
I hope you will consider helping me in the next stage of my development. I have been selected to attend OperaWorks, a training program for young professional opera singers. I was chosen to attend this program through competitive national auditions, after demonstrating an exceptional talent and potential for a successful performance career. I will join the OperaWorks alumni who are on the stage at the Metropolitan Opera, San Francisco Opera, La Scala and Deutsche Oper Berlin, to name a few.
Now in its 29th year, OperaWorks is nationally acclaimed for its innovative holistic approach to training opera singers. I will study Performance Technique, Audition Technique, Conducting, Acting, Musical/Dramatic Analysis, and Improvisation, as well as take business classes including Marketing for Performing Artists. No other program offers this kind of comprehensive professional development.
Please be a part of my success by supporting me in this program! OperaWorks takes place in Los Angeles from June 28th-July 28th. The program cost is approximately $4,500. This is a tremendous expense, but I am confident that the reward will be great.
If you are unable to attend the fundraiser on May 30 (see home page), online giving is available via PayPal by clicking on the Donate button on this page. Or, you may reach out to the OperaWorks office to make a tax deductible donation at (818) 898-9597.
My friends, I would not ask for your help if I did not believe in myself and my product as a performing artist. As an incentive to donate, I would like to offer a CD to anyone who makes an online donation. In addition, I will be performing a private recital for the highest donors, with the repertoire to be chosen by these generous patrons!
Thank you so much for your continued support and encouragement. It means so much to me. Even if all you can offer is a prayer and a smile, I am happy to have you as a part of my career!
With joy,